Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Wednesday waffle

I remember reading somewhere that married life is good for the man but not for the woman; I have to say I seem to have been ill on and off for the first 8 weeks of my marriage where I was never ill before, so I'm starting to come round to that school of thought!  Came down with a cold/sore throat/toothache a week ago and they're still here :/ but I am seeing the nurse on Friday and the dentist on Monday so hopefully they will sort me out.  I have decided that health visiting is bad for my health!  Thankfully I am back in uni this week - phew!

Although DH and I have been together for more than six years, this will be our first Christmas as a married couple so this year I really want to do Shimelle's Journal Your Christmas so that we have something to remember it by.  It's definitely been a big year of change for us in many ways so as well as recording our usual Christmas traditions, this year will be about finding some new ones too.

One of this year's changes will be that this year will be my first dairy-free Christmas; although this produced much initial dismay from my family, they're gradually coming round to the idea that I'm not going to starve ('but what are you going to eat??').  Case in point, for our Halloween celebrations I made Super Moist Pumpkin Bread from this recipe at The Post Punk Kitchen...
... and you know what?  It was beautiful!  Very much like a nutty version of my Mum's fruit cake - yum!! After making everyone try some (because yes, these things are treated with suspicion) it was agreed that it was actually very good :) thank you Isa!!  Of course it's also good with a little non-dairy ice cream if that's your thing ;)

In thinking about Journal Your Christmas and scrapbooking, I have definitely been doing a bit of online window shopping (and drooling!) over scrappy supplies.  I've been thinking that I need to look at getting a few kits or matching paper lines rather than just picking up little bits and pieces that take my fancy but aren't really very cohesive when you try to put them together.  Diana at The Scrappy Tree always has everything so beautifully matched!  And after browsing lots of lovely supplies I then read her post for The Scrappy Tree today and she was talking about much the same thing :)  Christmas is coming, look out scrappy shops! lol

Off to finish watching Kirstie's Handmade Britain before bed :)

Gayle xx