And so I lurch from one Bank Holiday to another - I thought I might have a little time to blog at the end of May purely because the bank holiday weekend was offering me an extra day to do so! And I was wrong!! lol
I'm sitting here with my iPod on listening to Stephen Lynch's tribute to Jim Henson, drinking a glass of Pinot Grigio and thinking how glorious it is to not think about work! It's been a busy month, and a busy week just gone - we went off on our adventures this past week as we took to the rivers (ok, canals) of middle England and navigate our way to Stratford and back at the grand speed of about.... 3mph. lol.
There was very little crafting going on in this busy month of May, but I did complete a page for my monthly slot, Art Journal Friday at The Scrappy Tree - apologies to everyone that I owe something to, my poor crafting supplies are dusty and neglected and feeling surplus to requirements at the moment (which of course they certainly are not!)
This is my page for the AJF challenge:-

Happy June everybody :)