Whoops! Haven't posted since last weekend, better not start neglecting the blog again already! In truth it's been a busy week, but actually I've been posting over at The Scrappy Tree and not got around to duplicating that here; we've been running a series of Halloween posts in the run up to tomorrow so feel free to come visit us there and see what we've been up to :)
So what has this week been about? I handed in my second assignment at the beginning of the week and I've just finished the second placement of my nursing course (only seven left to go!) and while I'm pretty sure that I don't want to be a health visitor(!), it was a really interesting placement nonetheless and certainly gave me food for thought. Besides which, my mentor was absolutely lovely and it was a very pleasant six weeks :) back to uni again this week for another block of theory in the run up to our exams in December - eek!
Now that the wedding is out of the way (because however much we loved the day the preparations take over your life!) I'm feeling much less guilty about spending time in the craft room so am hoping whatever mojo I have keeps me company for now so I can have some fun! I have a few days off this week where I was going to book in some shifts but I seem to have picked up a virus from somewhere (health visiting is bad for your health!) and I can't really risk working on hospital wards until I'm better again; to be honest the sore throat/ear/jaw is making me a little cranky ;) but time at home is good for study/crafting time anyway (there's always a silver lining!) especially given the extremely wet weather we're getting.
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead :)
Gayle xx
Green Man garden flags
2 hours ago