Sunday, 28 November 2010
Art Journal Friday - November
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Sunday morning... absolutely one of my favourite songs of all time! If you haven't heard it, it's by a band called Maroon 5, and is so beautiful and chilled out you can't help but love it :)
Seems appropriate for Wales - 'Sunday morning, rain is falling'
It happens a lot!!
Last night I was working on the first of my Christmas cards; I'm not sure how many handmade ones I will get around to sending out this year, but I have started at least :) if you get one of them, I'm sorry in advance! ;) I picked up some Christmas stamps from Papermania that reminded me a little of Timmy's line (loving those reindeer!) and made a few very simple cards to get things going ;)

I've been watching some old episodes of a program called 'The Family' online - jeez, it is hard to watch those kids be just like I was towards my parents! And the scraps between the older sister and younger brother? Ouch!! Reliving some tension and conflict, but grateful every day that all that resulted in such a great relationship with my family :) me and my bro are the Beavis and Butthead of the family, we just sit there and snicker at whatever 'in-joke' we might have laughed at since birth LOL
It is really touching to see how the family come together when they least expect it; it is beautiful to see that even though you feel your family is utterly rare(!), it's not all that different from everyone elses.
Happy weekend everybody :) Gayle xx
Friday, 26 November 2010
A quickie Friday halloo!!
On the plus side... this weekend is Art Journal Friday! I've posted a prompt at The Scrappy Tree which will hopefully cater to all tastes; working in mental health services makes me aware that Christmas isn't fun for everyone so let's offer art journaling regardless of preference ;)
Happy Friday :) Gayle xx
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Dear 2010, thank you for...
For Thanksgiving last year, I did a LO for the Scrappy Tree thankfulness challenge - it just so happened that I was working on this page just after Df lost his job and we had to give up our flat! My thankfulness at that time was that Df and I were able to stay together, and had wonderful family that were able to help us out with somewhere to stay.
A year later things have changed (thankfully!) and although it hasn't always been easy we have also had some great things happen to us this year! I wanted to do a LO again for this year's Scrappy Tree thankfulness challenge, and came across a great prompt from Shimelle's True Stories class which I found really useful in helping me write some journaling on the subject. As you may be able to see on the tags in the picture, I journalled using letters of the alphabet and although it didn't cover everything that happened this year, it was a lovely way of thinking about
different things (and really shoe-horning a few things in for X,Y and Z!)
It has been really crisp here this week and we are expecting snow any day now, but at the moment it is nice to have the cold sunshine instead of the rain :) we used to live near the sea before we moved to the valleys and I still miss it! I was lucky enough this week to have a training course in Swansea and really loved being able to see the sea from the carpark (small pleasures!) - I wish I had been able to get closer, but was trying for a sneaky pic without arousing the interest of the other people on the course!
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Sunday morning on the beach
I need to get a new memory card as we filled this one up today - I took a few photos to begin with but Df soon decided he wanted to take some too! Maybe he needs a camera for Christmas :) perhaps next year, I have this year all planned out already :)
Gayle xx
Friday, 19 November 2010
Thank you and pay it forward...

The conditions of the award are:-
1. Thank the person who gave it to you - thank you so much Michelle!
2. Put the award on your blog - done!
3. Share three things about yourself that you enjoy doing.
4. Pass the award onto 5 fellow bloggers.
So firstly, the three things that I enjoy doing...
1. I would be truly lost without my internet. My friends are here, Mr Google who knows the answers the everything I might possibly need to know, I can find out information about anything I would ever dream about doing or possibly ever need to buy. Enough said.
2. Family time! It's important to me to spend time with my family, including my darling Kitty who is keeping me company this evening:- How could you not enjoy spending time with that little face??
3. I love learning (and sometimes creating!) new things - I love novelty and working on something I've never done before. I am an eternal student at the age of 30; as a crafter I started with scrapbooking but soon discovered that I needed to try as many other things as I could lay my hands on as well :)
And now to nominate these five special bloggers (only five??) :-
1. Kristin
2. Julie
3. Erica
4. Lisa
5. JaimeI've found inspiration from each of these blogs since first following them, and made some great friends as well! Michelle, I wish I could nominate you again too :) adore your pages and pictures always :)
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend :)
Gayle xx
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Happy 1st Birthday to The Scrappy Tree
This week is Jules' inspiration challenge at The Scrappy Tree; she's posted this beautiful image of cupcakes, I love the colours :)

Friday, 12 November 2010
Thoughts on a Friday night...
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Another great cause that played a part in my week was World Pneumonia Day which happened today! The charity encouraged everyone to wear blue today with the aim of raising awareness, and at The Scrappy Tree we tackled this in our own way as crafters and invited everyone to make something blue! The challenge closed yesterday and the overall winner was Joanna with this fantastic piece:

Monday, 8 November 2010
I love Christmas...

Why am I blogging about Christmas? Because at Starbucks, the red cups are out :) last Friday my coffee of choice was a toffee nut latte, this week it will be a gingerbread one - lovely! Have to say that as much as I love them, they're not a patch on the Pumpkin Spice Latte, which they don't do in the UK *sob* now that really is heaven in a cup! Mmmmm!!
Saturday, 6 November 2010
I want to be a runner...
The BLUE challenge

I'm hoping to have the chance to make a few projects for this challenge, but this is what I've been working on so far:-